Ohana Guest
Hostel Group Fuerteventura
what clothes
to bring?

The guests of Ohana GuestOhana and Fuerteventura Surf Camp ask us what clothes to wear to visit our island and for that reason we are going to explain what you should take into account.
Fuerteventura like the rest of the Canary Islands are known to be the lucky ones, that is, they are the European islands with the best climate and sun throughout the year.
This is a reality but it must be deepened a little since otherwise the idea of coming to the summer at any time of the year is not entirely true.
That we have the best temperatures in all of Europe is because when in Europe and in our peninsula the cold winter arrives in Fuerteventura, we continue to enjoy warm weather. The difference is remarkable since while the rest go with jackets, scarf and gloves, we go with swimsuits and that is why we are so lucky.
However, we must warn our visitors that the temperature throughout the year on the island is an eternal spring. We are always in spring. But that does not mean that we are in the middle of summer, that is to say that although we have sun and warm temperatures they never become summery, and that means that our spring oscillates between cold and warm. It seems somewhat strange but you will understand it right away. Think about whether in the middle of spring you walk around in a bathing suit or not, because the question is that while there are days that a bathing suit is necessary, there are other days that you need a jacket or sweatshirt, even long pants.
Well, here the same thing happens as in the spring of your locality, there are dates when during the sunny hours you can walk perfectly with a swimsuit or shorts, but there are times of the day especially when the sun is low and not hot so much, at night or when the wind is strong on cold spring days, at those times you will need long pants and a sweatshirt.
On the same day and on the coldest spring days, do not forget to bring at least one sweatshirt otherwise you will be cold. You will never need more than that but I advise you never to leave it and include it in your suitcase.
When that moment comes when the sun went down and suddenly it gets colder, if you do not wear the sweatshirt you will suffer colder than when you are in your town in the middle of winter, of course there at home you prepare for the adverse conditions and not go out without all winter accessories and yet if a moment of cold catches you even if it is less but you go in a swimsuit you will suffer it more seriously.
All and with this I recommend that when that moment of cold spring weather arrives and you complain about something cold, call a friend in your city and ask how the weather is there, you will see how you are very happy to be in the city. Island.
Eternal spring
Another situation not known by most of our visitors is that in the middle of summer when in Europe and especially in the peninsula the temperatures are very warm and even suffocating, we are still here in spring. If I said spring, warmer but summer temperatures do not arrive and much less suffocating. There are visitors who tell me that they could not imagine that in the middle of summer and leaving their city sweating they arrive on the island and discover that there is not that heat here that they probably took for granted. And that is not a problem, on the contrary, it is surprising but we continue to have a warm spring climate that will allow you to sleep at night without suffering from the suffocating temperatures, even using a sheet to cover you, I think it is a blessing.
Everything I say you will understand when you realize that the houses on the island do not use air conditioning or heating, and that is because we do not need it.
Concluding I confirm that in any case always take a sweatshirt and long pants in the winter season and at least one sweatshirt for the summer season.
That is if you always carry a lot of sunscreen because you will need it every day of the year.

We hope that this information from www.ohanaguesthouse information was useful to help you organize your trip to Fuerteventura
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